General Synod passes motion to sign, endorse Christian-Muslim dialogue
General Synod voted July 15 to sign on to “A Common Word Between Us and You” and endorse it as a model for Christian-Muslim dialogue.
General Synod voted July 15 to sign on to “A Common Word Between Us and You” and endorse it as a model for Christian-Muslim dialogue.
The 42nd General Synod approved changes to the organization of the two committees that have overseen the communications and storytelling efforts of the Anglican Church of Canada, unifying two committees into one and adopting changes related to the mandate, governance and editorial policy of the Anglican Journal.
General Synod passed a motion July 16 to affirm the creation of the Jubilee Commission, a commission tasked with finding a “just, sustainable and equitable funding base for the self-determining Indigenous Anglican church.”
General Synod passed a resolution July 15 to recognize full communion among the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC), the U.S.-based Episcopal Church (TEC), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
A succession of resolutions brought by the Faith, Worship, and Ministry (FWM) Coordinating Committee, along with recognition for the Canadian Council of Churches, passed at the 42nd General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada.
A fall in revenues, especially contributions from the dioceses, combined with increased expenses to put the Anglican Church of Canada in a deficit position in 2018, General Synod heard Monday, July 15.
An effort to remove a prayer for conversion of the Jews from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) and to replace it with one for reconciliation with the Jews has passed its first major hurdle at General Synod.
General Synod voted July 14 to make changes to the General Synod Pension Plan that would allow groups outside of the Anglican Church of Canada to join the plan. In the same afternoon session, the synod also passed motions to put in place a plan to re-evaluate the purpose and mission of the Council of General Synod (CoGS).
“Our children are crying.”
That was how Primate Fred Hiltz—paraphrasing the observation of delegate Michael Chartrand—described the pain in the room following the failure of the 42nd General Synod to pass a resolution amending the marriage canon, which would have allowed for the solemnization of same-sex marriage.
@2019 The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada
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