Resolution Number A007 – Motion to Suspend the Rules of Order and Procedure to Permit Abstentions at General Synod

Subject: Motion to Suspend the Rules of Order and Procedure to Permit Abstentions at General Synod

Moved By: Chancellor David P. Jones, Q.C.
Seconded By: Ms. Cynthia Haines-turner

Be it resolved that this General Synod:  

Suspend Rule 18 a) of the Rules of Order and Procedure for the duration of this session of General Synod.

Source: Governance Working Group

Submitted By: Governance Working Group            

Does this motion contain within it any financial implications?      Yes     No

If yes, has the General Synod Expenditures Committee considered the implications?   Yes    No


Rule 18 a) of the Rules of Order and Procedure requires every member present at General Synod to vote on every issue—abstentions are not allowed (except if there is a personal conflict of interest):

  1. Voting

a) When the question is put, every member present, except the presiding officer, shall be required to vote on the same, provided that any member who wishes to abstain for reasons of conflict of interest shall be entitled to abstain on notifying the chairperson of his or her intention. Such abstentions and the names of the persons abstaining shall be recorded in the minutes.

Given the nature of some of the issues that will be coming before General Synod 2019, it would be desirable to permit members to abstain from voting (and not just in circumstances involving a conflict of interest).  This is the same motion that was in effect during General Synod 2016.


Section 11 d) of the Declaration of Principles requires an amendment to the Rules of Order and Procedure to be passed by a two-thirds majority of the members of General Synod voting in the normal manner (that is, as a whole).

Rule 23 of the Rules of Order and Procedure requires a motion to suspend a Rule of Order to be passed by two-thirds of the members present voting as a whole.