Subject: Amendment to the Constitution to provide ACIP Membership in General Synod
Moved By: Chancellor David P. Jones, Q.C.
Seconded By: Canon Dr. Randall Fairey
Be it resolved that this General Synod:
- Amend section 8 of the Constitution to add paragraph h.1) as follows:
h.1) In addition to the persons elected or appointed under subsections c) and d), the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples shall be entitled to elect or appoint two licensed members of the clergy, two communicant lay persons, and one youth who will be at least sixteen years of age upon the opening of General Synod and under the age of twenty-six years upon the prorogation of General Synod who shall be a communicant member of The Anglican Church of Canada.
- Declare that upon the adoption of this resolution, the persons who have been elected or appointed by the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples meeting the above requirements shall become members of General Synod 2019.
Source: Governance Working Group
Submitted By: Governance Working Group
Does this motion contain within it any financial implications? Yes No
If yes, has the General Synod Expenditures Committee considered the implications? Yes No
For some years, General Synod has invited representatives of the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples (ACIP) as partners to sit in General Synod with voice but not vote. The purpose of this amendment is to transition ACIP representatives from partner status to membership in General Synod. The amendment would provide membership for two clergy, two lay, and one youth representative. Bishops from ACIP are already members of General Synod. The amendment would take effect immediately and if passed would apply to General Synod 2019.
Section 11 b) of the Declaration of Principles requires the Constitution to be amended by a two-thirds majority of each Order voting at one session of General Synod.
Note: an amendment to any section of the Constitution which has its origin in the Declaration of Principles must be consistent with the Principle concerned.