Resolution Number A050-R1 – Amendments to Canon XXII (National Indigenous Ministry)

Subject: Amendments to Canon XXII (National Indigenous Ministry)

Moved By: Chancellor David P. Jones, Q.C.
Seconded By: Canon Dr. Randall Fairey

Be it resolved that this General Synod:


1. Canon XXII to read as shown in Appendix 1 (proposed changes shown in green);

2. Section 33 of the Constitution (Council of General Synod) to add the following:

33 a) x) the National Indigenous Anglican Bishop.

3. Section 5 of Canon III (The Primate) to add the following:

xi) always be an invited guest at Sacred Circle, with voice but not vote.

Source: Governance Working Group

Submitted By: Governance Working Group

Does this motion contain within it any financial implications? Yes No

If yes, has the General Synod Expenditures Committee considered the implications? Yes No


There have been discussions over the last triennium with the Indigenous House of Bishops Leadership Circle, ACIP and Sacred Circle about amending Canon XXII to make the National Indigenous Ministry more self-governing—that is, for it to be able to make certain changes to matters currently specified in Canon XXII without requiring General Synod to amend Canon XXII. Examples include the composition of ACIP, the composition of Sacred Circle, and the ability of ACIP to create a constitution for matters which are not contained in Canon XXII.

In addition, the proposed amendment would give the National Indigenous Anglican Bishop the title of “Archbishop” and the NIAB would rank with the provincial Metropolitans.

The proposed resolution would also make the NIAB a voting member of the Council of General Synod.

The proposed resolution would also include a cross-reference in Canon III (The Primate) recognizing that the Primate is an invited participant at Sacred Circle.

The changes are shown in green in Appendix 1.

PROCEDURE FOR ADOPTION (E)if Resolution A030-R1 of 2016 has been adopted at second reading before this resolution is on the floor, the procedure for adoption of the proposed resolution will be a two-thirds majority in each of the Orders.


  • With respect to section 2 of the resolution, Section 11 b) of the Declaration of Principles requires the Constitution to be amended by a two-thirds majority of each Order voting at one session of General Synod./
  • With respect to paragraphs 1 and 3 of the resolution, Section 11 c) ii) of the Declaration of Principles currently requires the enactment or amendment of a canon (which does not deal with doctrine, worship or discipline) to be approved at one session of General Synod by a two- thirds majority of the Order of Bishops, and a two-thirds majority of the Orders of Clergy and Laity voting together. However, if Resolution A030-R1 of 2016 has been adopted at second reading before this resolution is on the floor, the procedure for adopting or amending such a canon would be changed to aa two-thirds majority of each Order.